Developer Agreement
AGREEMENT ON THE PROVISION OF DEVELOPER RIGHTS IN THE PROJECT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF THE KINGS ARK WORLD TRADE CENTER PLATFORM BY KINGS IDEA CONNECTIONS AND OUTSOURCING (KINGS GLOBAL FUNDING) SOCIAL NETWORK1. Terms and Definitions:“Licensor” – as defined in Clause 2 below.“System” – as defined in Clause 3 below.“Catalog” - a list located at, and structured by the Licensor, of the most interesting Applications at the moment – in the opinion of the Licensor – that use The Kings Ark World Trade Center Platform Authorization System as a way to authorize users in the Application.“Application” – an application for mobile and computer devices intended for distribution through online application stores (App Store, App Gallery by Huawei, etc.).“The Kings Ark Authorization System” - a set of information and software products that authenticate a user on the website or by checking the username and password which are entered by the user and obtained as a result of registration on the website or This Agreement governs the relations between Kings Idea Connections and Outsourcing (Kings Global Fundings) (hereinafter, the “Licensor”) and you, a legal entity or individual intending to obtain OK social network developer rights.3. The Kings Ark B2B social network developer rights will allow you to access the project management system in the The Kings Ark B2B social network (hereinafter, the “System”) in order to (i) place Applications in the The Kings Ark B2B social network, (ii) get the opportunity to manage services for attracting users to the website by placing the Software (as defined in the Rules of Service Provision published on the Internet at, which are provided on the basis of an additional agreement with the Licensor, and/or (iii) get the opportunity to authorize users on your website and/or in your Application through the The Kings Ark B2B Authorization System.4. To obtain developer rights in the System, you need to go through the registration procedure on the page or Your confirmation of registration in the System by clicking the “Obtain Developer Rights” button will mean your full acceptance of this Agreement. The acceptance of the terms of this Agreement with reservations shall not be allowed.5. Services for the attraction of users to the website according to the rules of service provision published on the Internet at:, shall be provided based on an additional agreement with the Licensor.6. You hereby allow the Licensor to place in the Catalog a logo and/or icon of the Application for which you use the The Kings Ark B2B Authorization System, a description of the Application for which you use the The Kings Ark B2B Authorization System, and a link to the Application (in the online application store) for which you use the The Kings Ark B2B Authorization System, for an unlimited period of time, i.e. until the Licensor receives your written notice of refusal to post information about your Application in the Catalog. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as an obligation for the Licensor to post or continue to post information about any Application in the Catalog. The Licensor reserves the right to delete information about the Application from the Catalog at any time without notice and without explanation. Information about the Application shall be posted in the Catalog only if you have properly, including through the System, notified the Licensor of the information product sign assigned by you to the relevant Application.7. You hereby warrant to the Licensor that:(a) You are the rights holder of the Application or website for which you will use the The Kings Ark B2B Authorization System;(b) The Application or website for which you will use the The Kings Ark B2B Authorization System, their content and design complies with the laws of the Russian Federation, as well as the laws of those countries where they are available for download, installation and viewing, and they do not, inter alia, violate the norms of morality accepted in the society and do not contain pornographic or erotic content, extremist materials, as well as links to them;(c) The Application or website for which you will use the The Kings Ark B2B Authorization System does not infringe the rights of third parties, including any property and personal non-property rights;(d) The information product sign indicated by you in relation to the relevant Application is determined in strict accordance with Federal Law “On Protecting Children from Information Posing a Threat to Their Health and Development” ;(e) The Application or website for which you will use the OK Authorization System contains the Licensor’s logo, which allows the users of your Website or Application to understand that access to this website or Application is provided by means of authorization through the The Kings Ark B2B Authorization System;(f) The link to the Application or website provided by you is relevant and working.8. The use of the The Kings Ark B2B Authorization System shall not give users the impression that the Licensor supports, recommends, produces or distributes your Applications and/or websites. As part of using the The Kings Ark B2B Authorization System, the Licensor shall not provide you with any data about the The Kings Ark B2B social network users, including their usernames and passwords from the accounts on the The Kings Ark B2B social network.9. If the aforementioned warranties are violated, the Licensor reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to (i) stop granting you developer rights in the System, (ii) delete information about your Application from the Catalog, (iii) terminate the ability to authorize users on your website or in your Application through the The Kings Ark B2B Authorization System and/or (iv) require you to repair damages in full.10. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, THE LICENSOR EXPLICITLY WAIVES ANY WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING THE SYSTEM, THE KINGS ARK WORLD TRADE CENTER PLATFORM AUTHORIZATION SYSTEM AND THE CATALOG, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATIONS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, APPLICABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. THE SYSTEM, THE OK AUTHORIZATION SYSTEM AND THE CATALOG OPERATE “AS IS”, WITHOUT ANY FURTHER WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND. YOU ASSUME ALL RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH ANY DAMAGE OR LOSS ARISING FROM THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SYSTEM, THE OK AUTHORIZATION SYSTEM AND THE CATALOG. THE LICENSOR DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE SYSTEM, THE OK AUTHORIZATION SYSTEM AND THE CATALOG MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS, OR THAT THE OPERATION OF THE SYSTEM, THE OK AUTHORIZATION SYSTEM AND THE CATALOG WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE.11. THE LICENSOR’S LIABILITY TO YOU SHALL BE LIMITED IN ANY EVENT TO ACTUAL DAMAGES NOT EXCEEDING ONE HUNDRED (100) RUBLES. LOST PROFITS SHALL NOT BE REFUNDED TO YOU UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. IF THE LICENSOR INCURS ANY LOSSES, INCLUDING DUE TO ANY PENALTY COLLECTED BY PUBLIC AUTHORITIES, IN CONNECTION WITH POSTING OF INFORMATION ABOUT THE APPLICATION IN THE CATALOG, YOU SHALL COMPENSATE THE LICENSOR FOR ALL SUCH LOSSES TO THE FULL EXTENT. IF ANY COMPLAINTS OR CLAIMS ARE FILED AGAINST THE LICENSOR BY THIRD PARTIES, INCLUDING PUBLIC AUTHORITIES, IN CONNECTION WITH POSTING OF INFORMATION ABOUT THE APPLICATION IN THE CATALOG.12. The Licensor reserves the right to unilaterally amend the text of this Agreement. Amendments shall take effect when a new version of this Agreement is published on the website or .13. All disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be settled in the Arbitration Court of Guatemala in accordance with the arbitration procedural laws of Central America.14. All queries related to this Agreement shall be sent to admin@kingsideaconnections.orgVersion of the Agreement dated May 31, 2024